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This website contains the active and most recent underwriting suspensions issued by Chubb Personal Insurance.
An underwriting suspension, also called a moratorium, is a temporary suspension to agent and broker binding authority for select lines of business due to severe storms or other increased threat of loss across a specified geographic area. Chubb, like many other insurance companies, places underwriting suspensions to help ensure clarity around the application of coverage and to smooth claims handling. Suspensions also help us maintain appropriate long-term pricing for all customers.
While some transactions are not accepted during a suspension, many others types of business transactions can proceed as usual. Please click here to see examples of the variety of transactions that can and cannot be processed during a suspension. Chubb employees can also click here to access workflow instructions related to suspensions and broadcast messages.
Special information for Maryland: In the state of Maryland, we may either place underwriting suspensions as described above, or may operate under normal conditions with some temporary changes to producer underwriting authority. We will provide specific details within the individual suspension notice.
An underwriting suspension, also called a moratorium, is a temporary suspension to agent and broker binding authority for select lines of business due to severe storms or other increased threat of loss across a specified geographic area. Chubb, like many other insurance companies, places underwriting suspensions to help ensure clarity around the application of coverage and to smooth claims handling. Suspensions also help us maintain appropriate long-term pricing for all customers.
While some transactions are not accepted during a suspension, many others types of business transactions can proceed as usual. Please click here to see examples of the variety of transactions that can and cannot be processed during a suspension. Chubb employees can also click here to access workflow instructions related to suspensions and broadcast messages.
Special information for Maryland: In the state of Maryland, we may either place underwriting suspensions as described above, or may operate under normal conditions with some temporary changes to producer underwriting authority. We will provide specific details within the individual suspension notice.