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Meets the insurance needs of contractors and developers with ongoing construction activity

Coverage Highlights


  • Excellent flexibility.
  • Capacity in a variety of structured programs.
  • Ability to customize solutions to meet individual client needs
  • Portfolio of green endorsements
  • Lead terms / coverage forms / follow form available, based on underwriting review
  • Highly experienced underwriters


  • Individual Project Builders Risk and Master Programs
  • Coverage over both physical damage and delay in opening
  • Various optional coverages based on the client's requirements
  • Coverage to meet particular needs of the project and/or account
  • International Builders Risk


  • Loss control services
  • Engineering services

Minimums & Limits

Typically $10,000 minimum applies, except:
$25,000 for blanket coverage programs
$50,000 for international exposures
\Minimum Deductible

Minimum deductible varies based on type and size of risk, generally $10,000 is the lowest for non-
catastrophe perils
Catastrophe perils generally require higher deductibles

$150 million globally
Restricted capacity:
Critical catastrophic perils such as California earth movement, 100 year flood, named
Frame construction
Unique or prototypical projects

Client Profile

Contractor, developer, or owner with active construction program and strong property preservation management approach looking for an underwriter with specialized expertise in Builders Risk


Submission to include: project description, statement of values, locations, limits and coverage requirements In addition to application, details on delay in opening coverage requirements (breakdown of soft costs, pro-forma and period of indemnity for loss of rental income and loss of business income)


  • Capacity in a variety of positions
    • Primary
    • Full limit
    • Quota share
    • Buffer
    • Excess layers
  • Portfolio of green endorsements
    • Potential financial loss from changes in environmental standards
    • Repairs using green materials
    • Additional debris removal expenses
  • Individual Project Builders Risk and Master Programs
  • Four wall construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Bridges
  • Highways / roads
  • International Builders Risk for Canadian domestic based clients
  • Coverage form offers both physical damage and delay in opening