Claims difference

Achieving excellence in claims management

Consistently Excellent
Consistently Excellent

We hope your client never has to make a claim with us. If they do, Chubb will do everything to minimise the disruption, uncertainty or anxiety to lives, individuals and businesses.

At Chubb we understand that the handling of every claim is the most critical test of our service, our support and our reputation.

Which is why our claims management sets us apart as a trusted, responsive and empathetic insurer that protects our clients worldwide.

So what makes Chubb so effective in claims handling?

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Our Understanding
Our Understanding

Chubb’s claims handlers provide a human response, reflecting our care and commitment to help.

We understand the disruption and distress the impact of a claim may cause to a business or an individual and we are solely focused on finding solutions to them.

How we handle and process a claim is as important as settling it. Our empathetic and caring approach to every claim means that going the extra mile to preserve our insureds’ commercial well-being is not an optional extra, it’s our second nature.

And it’s a value that Chubb is proud to uphold.

Our expertise
Our expertise

Our expertise means we can swiftly understand the claim and respond appropriately. Bringing technical specialists to the table when needed.

We provide expertise that is sensitive to our customers’ cultures, markets and the diverse regulatory environments in which they operate.

With experts in every discipline that we underwrite, Chubb finds solutions to the most challenging claims situations.

Chubb’s expertise, worldwide.

Our consistency
Our consistency

As a global insurer, consistency is critical.

We operate with values that we apply consistently, which benefit our brokers and their clients. 

With these values of competency, integrity and care, we’ve built an enviable reputation and have established the trust of our clients, worldwide.

In real terms, this means that every claim receives a consistent response from any Chubb person, team, office or carefully selected partner, anywhere in the world.

All claims are handled with an impartial approach, irrespective of global location, size or type. Our expert support and knowledge, on hand, worldwide.

Chubb’s claims management.

Consistently excellent.

Have a claim?
Have a claim?

Reporting your claim couldn't be easier