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Five-part report series

Expert risk and legal insight

Mitigation strategies

Liability on the frontline


From fast-tracked clinical trials to emergency medical devices and telehealth innovations, the Life Sciences sector is providing solutions to Covid-19. This series of reports explores what risks organisations are entering into as they ride to the world’s rescue and how they can protect themselves


Part 1: Emerging risks in Covid-19 clinical trials

With the scientific community throwing everything it has at Covid-19, best practice is slipping in clinical trials. What trade-offs are being made and who is liable? 

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Emerging risks in Covid-19 clinical trials


Part 2: Making medical devices during a pandemic

Consumer manufacturers pivoting to help in the fight against Covid-19 have been surprised by the liabilities they face in an unfamiliar sector. But even the specialist makers of ventilators, diagnostic tests and PPE have faced challenges, some of which will linger even after the pandemic is over 


Making medical devices during a pandemic

Part 3: The great telehealth experiment

The pandemic has fast-tracked telehealth into the mainstream, so what are the risks that technology companies should be aware of as they expand and innovate quickly in order to meet customer needs and how are such technologies deployed changing the face of healthcare?


The great telehealth experiment

Part 4: Fighting COVID-19 with genomics

Genomics has provided us with a new armoury for tackling pandemics, enabling us to respond faster and with more accuracy to COVID-19. Behind the scenes it is also gradually redefining healthcare, ushering in a more predictive and personalised approach, with potentially big implications for drug company liability.


Fighting COVID-19 with genomics

Part 5: Lessons from the Supply Chain

Sourcing medical goods has been a headline challenge of the pandemic. That experience is changing attitudes to risk in the supply chain, and ultimately changing the shape of the supply chain itself.


Lessons from the Supply Chain

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