David Furby
Regional President, Chubb EMEA
29 April 2024
This statement is approved by the Boards and made on behalf of Chubb European Group SE UK Branch (“CEG”), Chubb Services UK Limited (“CSUK”) and Chubb Capital I Limited (together referred to as ‘Chubb’) and constitutes Chubb’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending on 31 December 2023.
Chubb provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance and life insurance to a diverse group of clients. We strive to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in all regions of the world in which we operate and to embed the values in our Code of Conduct in our activities.
CEG is one of Europe’s leading commercial insurance and reinsurance companies and operates a successful underwriting business throughout the UK, Ireland and Continental Europe. Headquartered in Paris it holds cross-border permissions throughout the European Economic Area through its branches and licences and operates under the supervision of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution. CEG is also a ‘white listed’ surplus lines insurance and reinsurance company in the United States, entitling it to write surplus lines in all US states and US territories. Business is accessed by a variety of distribution channels and the company has strong relationships with the broker community, its corporate partners and direct markets.
CSUK acts as the principal employer of staff, jointly with CEG, for Chubb’s UK employees and is a corporate service provider within the Chubb Group companies in the United Kingdom.
Chubb Capital I Limited is a corporate capital vehicle that provides 100% of the underwriting capital of Lloyd’s Syndicate 2488 and is a corporate member of Lloyd’s. It is a wholly owned subsidiary within the Chubb Group.
Our supply chains include vendors that assist Chubb in the fulfilment of insurance claims and suppliers from which we procure goods and services to carry out our business.
The Chubb Code of Conduct affirms our commitment to compliance with equal employment opportunity laws and other applicable civil rights, human rights and labour laws. The Chubb Group has been an active participant of the UN Global Compact since 6 June 2017 and provides an annual statement of practical actions and a measurement of outcomes with regard to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact which also seeks to eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour and abolition of child labour. Chubb expects staff to behave ethically and transparently and to be accountable for their actions. Chubb policies, frameworks and actions, which aim to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply lines include:
Chubb’s Procurement, Risk, Compliance, HR, Claims Vendor Management and Legal teams work together to apply these standards to our business. We continue to review and update our policies and procedures to make our commitment to anti-slavery and human trafficking explicit to our customers, employees, suppliers, and business partners. We have the following corporate policies in place relevant to slavery and human trafficking:
In 2023 we:
David Furby
Regional President, Chubb EMEA
29 April 2024