Risk Engineering Services in EMEA
The Marine Department at Chubb employs a team of transportation professionals with experience of seagoing and port operations, and freight forwarding to provide support to our underwriters, claims adjusters, brokers and clients in the assessment of risk and safe delivery of different cargo types worldwide.
In addition we can call upon the services of other Chubb Transport Professionals worldwide and a large network of local contract specialists.Services include the following:
The modern logistics supply chain can be very complicated with the employment of several carriers, third party warehouses and multiple standard trading conditions in several countries.
Chubb can review:
Despite the improvement in packaging materials and techniques over the years, problems with poor or in-appropriate packaging still occur. Chubb Transportation Risk Managers can advise clients and their suppliers on suitable preparation and packing of goods and especially of equipment being sent to countries with high humidity or extreme weather conditions and also where long term storage within packaging is envisaged. Chubb have an expertise in packing and shipment of cold chain products in the pharmaceutical sector.
Desktop or physical inspections of vessels carrying sensitive cargoes or where vessels are over 20 years old as requested by underwriters or clients. Includes review and advice on vessel chartering procedures.
Risk management and loss prevention on large infrastructure projects such as power stations, petrochemical refineries, steel mills, LNG trains, mining developments and port equipment, especially where financial penalties can be imposed for late start up.
This commences with identifying items critical to the start up of the project on time, and the shipment of these critical items, monitored through:
Such services include on-site training at a clients premises on export packing, load securing, vehicle and warehouse security, and claims management. Chubb have expertise in such areas as Latin America, Asia Pacific and Central Asia, and assist exporters venturing into such markets.