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Eight self-drive tips when travelling for business

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If you are hiring a car in connection with your business trip, there are safety considerations that you need to be prepared for. These are even more prevalent if you are responsible for driving a group of colleagues. Here are eight things to look out for when opting to self-drive on your business trip.

Before you depart


1. Research your destination 

  • Learn about speed restrictions, traffic rules and road signs as they vary from one country to another. For your safety, ensure you know about any significant differences in traffic regulations in the country you will be driving in. 
  • Check whether your driving license is acceptable in the country you’re travelling to or whether you need an international driving license to drive in that country.
  • Consider the month and season of your travel as the weather affects road conditions and visibility.

2. Know the vehicle type and where possible try and request one that you are familiar with or that suits your driving preferences.

3. Plan your routes before departure, including where to take a break from driving. Be aware of traffic density as peak hour traffic can really slow you down. 

4. Have a check list with emergency telephone numbers. Know what is legally required of you in the event of a traffic accident.

5. If you have to drive straight from the airport in the morning after a long night flight, do have a cup of coffee or tea to perk you up. Make sure you’re alert and able to drive, otherwise consider taking a short break.

6. Always check the safety features of the vehicle before you start your journey.

7. Seat belts reduce the risk of a fatal injury by up to 50% for front seat occupants and 75% for those in the rear.  It is the single most effective feature in a vehicle to reduce the severity of injury that results from road traffic accidents. Ensure they work and that all passengers are belted up before you move.

8. Be on the lookout for local wildlife suddenly stepping out into the road. Even a small impact can spell disaster for all concerned!


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1  ISOS Foundation-Global Road Safety Pocket Guide on ‘Road Safety Tips for Travellers'

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