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Master privacy policy

Privacy at Chubb

At Chubb ("we", "us"), we routinely collect and use personal data about individuals, including insured persons, claimants or business partners ("you"). We are aware of our responsibilities to handle your personal data with care, to keep it secure and comply with applicable privacy and data protection laws, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


How this Policy Works

The purpose of this Policy is to provide a clear explanation of when, why and how we collect and use information which may relate to you ("personal data").

We have designed this Policy to be as user friendly as possible. Click on a topic in the list below to find out more, or explore individual topics in more detail by following the various links. We have labelled sections of the Policy to make it easy for you to navigate to the information that may be most relevant to you.



Do read this Policy with care. It provides important information about how we use personal data and explains your statutory rights. This Policy is not intended to override the terms of any insurance policy or contract you have with us, nor rights you might have available under applicable data protection laws.


Please see below for relevant definitions used throughout this Policy:

ACPR: the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Resolution (ACPR) is an administrative authority which monitors the activities of banks and insurance companies in France.

Assistance Providers: these are a special category of service provider, which we use to help provide you with emergency or other assistance in connection with certain policies (e.g. certain travel policies).

Brokers: insurance brokers arrange and negotiate insurance coverage for individuals or companies and deal directly with insurers, such as Chubb, on behalf of the individuals or companies seeking coverage.

Claims Experts: these are experts in a particular field which is relevant to a claim, for example medicine, forensic accountancy, mediation or rehabilitation, who are engaged by Chubb to help us properly assess the merit and value of a claim, provide advice on its settlement, and advise on the proper treatment of claimants.

CNIL: the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) regulates the processing of personal data by all organisations within France.

Data Controller: means a natural or legal person (such as a company) which determines the means and purposes of processing of personal data. For example, a Chubb entity which sells you an insurance policy will be your Data Controller as it determines how it will collect personal data from you, the scope of data which will be collected, and the purposes for which it will be used.

FCA: the FCA is the Financial Conduct Authority, which is a financial regulatory body. The FCA focuses on the regulation of conduct by financial services firms.

ICO: the Information Commissioners Office regulates the processing of personal data by all organisations within the UK.

Loss Adjuster: these are an independent claims specialist which investigates complex or contentious claims on our behalf.

Other Insurers / Reinsurers: some policies are insured on a joint or "syndicate" basis. This means that a group of insurers (including us) will join together to write a policy. Policies may also be reinsured, which means that the insurer will purchase its own insurance, from a reinsurer, to cover some of the risk the insurer has underwritten in your policy. Chubb purchases reinsurance, and also act as a reinsurer to other insurance firms.

PRA: the PRA is the Prudential Regulation Authority, which is a financial regulatory body. The PRA focuses on the prudential regulation of financial services firms. When discharging its general functions, the PRA is responsible for contributing to the securing of an appropriate degree of protection for policyholders.

Profiling: means using automated processes without human intervention (such as computer programmes) to analyse your personal data in order to evaluate your behaviour or to predict things about you which are relevant in an insurance context, such as your likely risk profile.

Prospective Insured and Insured Person: we use this term to refer to prospective, active or former individual policyholders, as well as any individual who benefits from insurance coverage under one of our policies (for example, where an employee benefits from coverage taken out by their employer).

Sensitive Personal Data: means any special categories of personal data under the GDPR (i.e. data relating to your health, genetic or biometric data,  sex life, sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership), as well as criminal offences data. At Chubb, (other than in the context of our employees, which is outside the scope of this Policy) we routinely only process Sensitive Personal Data relating to health or criminal offences.

Service Providers: these are a range of third parties to whom we outsource certain functions of our business. For example, we have service providers who help us with the administration of setting up a new policy record. Some of these providers use 'cloud based' IT applications or systems, which means that your personal data will be hosted on their servers, but under our control and direction. We require all our service providers to respect the confidentiality and security of personal data.

Solicitors: we frequently use solicitors to advise on complex or contentious claims or to provide us with non-claims related legal advice. In addition, if you are a claimant you may be represented by your own solicitor(s).

Telematics data: allows a more personalised renewals quote through the use of data provided automatically to us by a device which monitors your behaviour. An example is data collected from a device fitted to a vehicle reflecting driving behaviour.

Third Party Administrators (or TPA’s): these are companies outside the Chubb group which administer the underwriting of policies, the handling of claims, or both, on our behalf. We require all TPAs to ensure that your personal data is handled lawfully, and in accordance with this Policy and our instructions.



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