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Premium Payment documents


Policyowners should keep all documents and evidences related to premium payment for proof or verification when needed.
For more details and instructions, please click the link on the left side of your online account with Chubb Life’s Customer Portal

Premium Collection Receipt

After making premium payment by cash, policyowners will be provided with a duplicated copy of Premium Collection Receipt from your Account Reppresentative or from our Customer Service staff if you pay premium at Chubb Life sales offices.
Please click on the two forms below for samples of Chubb Life official receipts:

- Premium Collection Receipt is pre-printed with Chubb Life logo and consists of 4 copies. Every receipt form has a unique number and a 2D barcode.
- Information must be written on the first copy of the receipt and be duplicated directly to the copies beneath. The information shown on all the copies of the receipt must be consistent.
- The receipt is only valid within 6 months from the date stamp on the form.
- Customers are required carefully to check Amount, Date and Expiry before signing the receipt.
- If you have not received any notice/message or invoice from Chubb Life after 7 days from making premium payment, please contact our Call Center at hotline (848) 3827 8123 to verify.
- Please carefully read information relating to the validity of a Premium Collection Receipt. Any complaint relating to premium payment without a valid Premium Receipt with sufficient and accurate information will not be considered as a legal complaint for Chubb Life to handle.

In case of making premium payment by options other than cash, please keep all related documents or email, message, notices for later verification when needed.

SMS Notification

This service offers policyowners the most convenient way. If you have already registered this service, Chubb Life will send an SMS to your registered cell phone number to confirm the premium amount received. If you have not received any SMS from Chubb Life after 7 days after making premium payment, or if the amount in the SMS is different with the amount that you have paid, please contact us for verification at hotline (848) 3827 8123
Policyowners can register for this service as follows:
1. At the time of submitingapplication, please select to use SMS notification service, and provide your phone numberon page 6 of Application Form
2. Please fill in section SMS Register in Request for Changing Personal Information and hand it to the your Account Representative or send it to Chubb Life sales office

Tax Invoice


In order to provide you with the fastest, and high-quality service, from 07 December 2012, Chubb Life had officially used Electronic Invoice (e-Invoice) to recognize premium paid by individual customers. The use of e-Invoice is stipulated in Circular 32/2011/TT-BTC dated 14/3/2011 of Ministry of Finance including guideline of intializing, issuing and using e-Invoice for goods and service.
After receiving premium paid by policyowners, Chubb Life will issue an e-Invoice in PDF format with digital signature and upload it onto Chubb Life’s Customer Portal at A notification will also be sent to customer’s registered email at the same time.
To receive e-Invoice, please proceed as follows:
1. Access to portal
2. Login with your user name and password. If you have not had one, you could register for one at the website stated above.
3. After login, select the policy number that you would like to view, then more details will be shown.
4. Choose the e-Invoice needs to view. You then can download the e-Invoice to your computer.
Chubb Life believes that the use of e-invoice will offer our customers a faster way to receive invoice and a more convenient for filing them.

Payment Query


In order to update policy information faster and more convenient for policyowners, Chubb Life has provided Online Customer Information Service to our customers.
To query information, please do as follows:
1. Access to our customer service portal at
2. Login with your user name and password. In you do not have one, you can register for one at the website address stated above.
3. After login, select the policy number you would like to view, then more details will be shown.
4. Click “Tình hình đóng phí của khách hàng” for viewing.
Besides payment querying, policyowners can also check information related to your policies such as Account value, e-invoice, notification emails… in a simple way.