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A practical and all-rounded financial protection solution, this product will help new parents rest assured that their children are well protected.

Coverage Highlights


Key benefits of "Chubb Life – Education for Perfect Future" include:

• Protection from womb to adulthood – Long protection period from a 16-week-old fetus to a 27-year-old adult.
Education Cash Benefit – Your child’s education fund is guaranteed by Chubb Life in Vietnam as a payment worth 105% of the total accumulated premium, rewarded as either annuities over the last five years of the Policy or a lump sum on maturity date.
Excellent Graduation Award – with the prime up to 150 million VND – An award from Chubb Life in Vietnam to outstanding insured freshman who is the Top 10 scorers admitted to public universities and colleges of Vietnam.
• Health coverage – Your children’s health will also be taken care from newly born to 27 year-old, covered by Hospital Cash Benefit, Juvenile Critical Illness Benefit, or Total & Permanent Disability Benefit.
Waiver of Premium and Financial Support Benefit– safeguarding your children’s education plan against any misfortune that might endanger their parents.

Chubb Life - Education for Perfect Future

For more information about the "Chubb Life - Education for Perfect Future", please visit:

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