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Limited Pay Endowment to Age 75-10/15 years policy can increase your insurable value by up to five times. Highly recommended for those who desire greater financial protection for their loved ones should the worst occur.

Coverage Highlights

  • Inclusion: Universal Life variants including Economy Universal Life – Option A, Economy Universal Life - Option B, Family Universal Life - Option A1, Family Universal Life - Option A2, Family Universal Life - Option B; Level Term 10/15/20 years, Whole Life premium payble to age 55/60/65.

Limited Pay Endowment to Age 75-10/15 years


Please see full details of the Product Description and Policy Wordings as below:

This document provides basic information about the product(s). Please contact Chubb Life account representative or hotline on (84.8) 38 27 8123 for more details.

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