Financial Institutions Bond Insurance | Chubb

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Financial Institutions Bond Insurance

Financial institutions are operating in an increasingly complex environment, exposing them to the threats of fraud and losses that can impact bottom-lines

That’s why Chubb has developed a specialised fraud protection insurance policy for your business. It can help strengthen your organisation’s risk management programme for better protection against these risks. 


What it covers

  • Loss caused by dishonest or fraudulent acts by an employee
  • Premises loss due to the theft, disappearance, misplacement, damage or destruction of property from the financial institution
  • Transit loss of property from any cause while in transit by a messenger of the financial institution or in an armoured motor vehicle
  • Forgery or fraudulent alteration loss as a result of forged or fraudulently altered cheques, bills of exchange, bankers drafts, bankers acceptances, certificates of deposit, withdrawal receipts or promissory notes
  • Forged securities loss due to reliance on securities or similar written instruments that were forged, fraudulently altered, lost or stolen
  • Counterfeit currency loss due to reliance on any counterfeit paper currency or coin issues


Chubb Financial Institutions Bond Insurance provides financial institutions with extensive worldwide cover for a vast range of physical and financial losses involving employees and third parties. It also provides cover for losses involving computer systems, voice-initiated funds transfers and facsimile instructions.

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