A Comprehensive Employment Practices Liability Solution

For buyers of large EPL and W&H insurance programs, Chubb Bermuda offers companion primary Employment Practices Liability and primary Wage and Hour coverage, in addition to our longstanding excess coverage offering.

The Not So Great Debate: Arbitration vs. Litigation

Since the creation of the Bermuda insurance market over 30 years ago, arbitration clauses have been a pillar of Bermuda insurance products — not just as a means to avoid U.S. courts, but for the flexible, friendly, and expedited resolution this alternative dispute resolution affords. Learn more and see the data behind the findings in our report.

Chubb Bermuda Product Highlights

Clients partner with Chubb Bermuda because of our market-leading, multi-line capacity. They know our capacity is supported by decades of underwriting and claims experience, and backed by the world-class financial strength of Chubb. Learn more about why our clients stay with us.


We’ve been providing globally coordinated, locally flexible insurance solutions for large organizations and their brokers for three decades.

Liability Limit Benchmark & Large Loss Profile by Industry Sector 2024

Our annual publication provides a qualitative summary of large third party liability losses over the last ten years together with insight into the average liability limits purchased by major accounts.

Video Library

To learn more about Chubb Bermuda, watch some of our videos.