Delivery drivers play a critical role in the success of businesses worldwide, across many industries. Drivers not only deliver goods to complete transactions, but they are also a key point of contact with your customers and often act as ambassadors for your brand.
With millions of people relying on safe, on-time delivery for access to groceries, restaurant meals, medications and other goods, protecting the health and safety of your drivers is both the right thing to do and vital to keeping your business operational. The following best practices can help you and your drivers stay safe.
Drivers are three times more likely to be in a crash if they are fatigued. Here are some tips to prevent driver fatigue:
Drivers should be trained in how to keep themselves and the goods they’re delivering safe while on the road. Some key tips are:
During outbreaks of highly communicable illnesses—such as COVID-19—your drivers will be at increased risk of infection through personal contact or handling of products so additional precautions should be taken to protect them, as follows:
Best practices that can help you and your drivers stay safe.
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