Working from home provides employees with many benefits—notably flexibility—but it also creates special challenges. Remote employees can end up feeling isolated, separated from their co-workers who not only help them succeed at their jobs, but also provide valuable social interactions. Physical health can also suffer when remote employees rely on cramped workstations and fall into unhealthy work habits.
Fortunately, business leaders, managers, and employees can take key steps to help address the health challenges of remote work—and maintain a thriving organization with healthy, happy, productive employees, even if they are geographically dispersed.
To help you get started on implementing these best practices, visit Chubb’s Checklist for Helping Remote Workers Maintain Their Physical and Mental Health.
You can better support the health of your remote employees by understanding the specific risks and working directly with employees, their supervisors, and Human Resources to address them. Physical and mental health risks associated with working from home include:
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