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Protects you against legal liability claims or suits arising from products designed, manufactured or supplied by you

We offers Products Liability Insurance for any parties involved in the design, manufacturing and distribution of the products including designers, manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers and retailers. We provide flexible solutions to our clients and are able to tailor our products and coverage to the specific needs of our clients for them to fulfill their contractual requirement.

Coverage Highlights

  • Cover third party personal or bodily injury or property damage caused by the product (including the packing, warning or instruction) during the period of insurance
  • Cover legal representation or investigation expenses
  • Worldwide jurisdiction and limit
  • Run-off cover for the insured entity that has been merged, acquired or otherwise ceased to exist or operate during the period of insurance
  • Flexible policy arrangement which you may choose to arrange policy for:
    •  total company’s sales
    •  designated markets
    •  designated buyers

Optional Extension

  • Public Liability for Premises and Operation
  • Personal and Advertising Injury
  • Manufacturing Errors & Omission
  • Products Recall Expenses

Chubb’s Strength

  • Chubb’s highly rated financial strength [Chubb’s core operating insurance companies are rated AA for financial strength by Standard & Poor’s and A++ by A.M. Best*]
  • Broad appetite and flexible underwriting approach
  • Long-term focus on client relationships
  • Multinational network capability with robust capitalisation and financial strength
  • Active claims management where, if necessary, the right experts are used at the right time
  • Relevant risk engineering services in support of our clients’ strategic progress
  • Tailored insurance solutions through bespoke coverage, industry, specific products and global knowledge

*Ratings apply to Chubb’s core operating insurance companies. See for ratings of individual insurance companies.

The above information is intended to be a general summary for reference only and does not form part of the policy. You should refer to the policy wording for exact terms, conditions and exclusions. The above information shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy or provision of any of our products outside Hong Kong SAR. For further information, please contact Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited on +852 3191 6800.


Have a question or need more information?

Contact us to find out how we can help you get covered against potential risks