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It has come to our recent attention that an imposter Facebook account is operating under the name “Congratulation Winner”, to falsely impersonating Chubb Life Hong Kong, and sending out fabricated winning notifications to campaign participants under the guise of Chubb Life Hong Kong, with the intention of deceitfully obtaining sensitive personal information.

We urge the public to exercise caution and remain vigilant regarding the following fraudulent link(s):

* https[:]//chubb-life-hong-kong-ixegvh[.]myfreesites[.]net/

For the safety of your personal data, we strongly advise against clicking on any links received from unknown sources.

The company reiterates that our only official Facebook account is "Chubb Life Hong Kong," and our only official Instagram account is "chubblifehk".

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service hotline at (852) 2894 9833or email 

Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited 

July 15, 2024