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We understand that successful relationships are built on trust and the business synergies of the parties involved. That’s why our partners – particularly banks, telcos and retailers in the Asia Pacific – are assured of a mutually beneficial relationship with Chubb due to our experience in:

Telemarketing – With more than 3,500 work stations across 11 markets in the region, Chubb telemarketing is known for its success in outbound telemarketing. Our telemarketers are located in in-house call centres owned and managed by Chubb. In countries where telemarketers are located at our partners’ sites, Chubb will co-manage the infrastructure. Using a robust, proprietary telephony platform, Chubb telemarketers are trained to deliver results and customer satisfaction.

Customer analytics – At the heart of every successful campaign is the customer analyses produced by Chubb’s data analytics teams. They’re located at global, regional and local levels to conduct detailed assessments of our customers’ lifestyles and behaviours. This means that we’re able to deliver targeted strategies and campaigns such as timed and sequenced offers, increasing our customers’ propensity for purchase in the process. We also have established data security systems and processes in place to safeguard customer data.

Service excellence – Each of our business partners has access to a Chubb partner management team comprising account management, customer service and claims, as well as an efficient claims process. They come from Chubb’s trained customer service executives and are fully committed to delivering a greater customer experience. By having claims professionals in every office in the Asia Pacific region, we can efficiently provide local service to our partners and bring local knowledge to each and every claim that we take on.


Chubb's Data Analytics Capabilities in motion

Chubb's Data Analytics uses cutting-edge technologies to develop and deploy analytics solutions to turn your data into effective marketing strategies. Partner with Chubb and benefit from our data analytics capabilities.