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Chubb’s lifestyle platform is an online lifestyle information platform administered by Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited (the “Company”) in Hong Kong. Various types of lifestyle rewards, privileges or offers, promotions by the Company solely or jointly with one or more merchants (“Chubb’s lifestyle platform Benefits”) will be published in the Chubb’s lifestyle platform from time to time.

By using or redeeming the Chubb’s lifestyle platform Benefits, you are deemed to have read and agreed to below terms and conditions.

1.Chubb’s lifestyle platform Benefits

1.1 Details of the latest Chubb’s lifestyle platform Benefits shall be published in this Chubb’s lifestyle platform from time to time. The exact details of the relevant Chubb’s lifestyle platform Benefits are subject to the information published by the relevant merchants from time to time.

1.2 When redeeming Chubb’s lifestyle platform Benefits, you are required to make redemption at the location, time or in the manner specified in the relevant merchant’s terms and conditions and you are required to present a valid eCoupon, original redemption letter or card or other documentary proof specified in the relevant merchant’s terms and conditions.

1.3 All information published on the Chubb’s lifestyle platform and any information provided by the Company in connection with the Chubb’s lifestyle platform Benefits is for general information only. The Company has no intention and will not provide any advice or recommendation or engage in any solicitation with respect to any matters (including but not limited to investment, financial, medical, nutritional, health, fitness, legal, tax, property or otherwise). Any such information is not provided to promote or influence you to acquire any product or service.

2.Limitation of Liability

2.1 The Company accepts no liability for the quality or availability of goods and services provided by the relevant third-party service or goods suppliers and merchants.

2.2 Chubb’s lifestyle platform benefits may include products or services provided by third parties. When you use these products or services, the relevant risks should be borne by you; the Company will not be responsible for any personal injury and property damage suffered by the relevant users.

2.3 The Company is not responsible for lost or stolen rewards, reward vouchers, certificates or tickets of Chubb’s lifestyle platform Benefits.


The Company reserves the right, at any time and from time to time to update, revise, supplement and otherwise modify these terms and conditions in relation to Chubb’s lifestyle platform without prior notice.  The Company’s decision on all matters and disputes relating to Chubb’s lifestyle platform shall be final and conclusive.

4.Applicable Law

These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. You and the Company hereby irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

5. If there is inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

6. No person other than the Company and the user of this Chubb’s lifestyle platform will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap.623) to enforce any provision of these terms and conditions.