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The innovative and evolutionary nature of the technology industry needs tailored insurance to cover its professionals who are working at the cutting edge of the digital age.

Highlights of cover

  • Any one claim cover 
  • Bespoke wordings 
  • Able to respond to global professional indemnity/errors & omissions requirements with worldwide jurisdiction
  • Chubb’s distribution network allows global issuance of local policies
  • Able to deploy £/€/$ 10 million per risk
  • Primary, excess layer and quota share options 


Civil liability as a consequence of: 

  • Breach of professional duty
  • Breach of contract (including liquidated damages and breach of service level agreements)
  • Libel or slander (including but not limited to torts relating to defamation, injury to reputation and emotional distress)
  • Product disparagement or breach of comparative advertising regulations
  • Negligent misstatement
  • Unintentional breach of confidentiality
  • Unintentional interference with privacy rights
  • Unintentional infringement of intellectual property rights including cybersquatting (including but not limited to plagiarism and passing off, infringement of trademark or slogan, breach of license to use copyrighted material)
  • Fidelity
  • Loss of or damage to documents
  • Transmission of a computer virus, denial of service, malicious cyber attack

The policies also extend to cover the insured’s: 

  • Public relations and crisis management costs
  • Costs to withdraw content as a result of a complaint to any official regulatory or self-regulatory body
  • Costs to mitigate a claim
  • Subpoena defence costs
  • Costs to defend an investigation brought under the Data Protection Act, payment for court attendance and representation costs
  • Costs for prosecuting someone who has infringed your intellectual property


Contact us

Daryl Bridgeman
Senior Underwriter