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8 ways to safely travel abroad

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Travellers often face all kinds of risks and challenges in foreign countries, due to the differences in language, culture, politics, and economics. To help you travel safely and confidently, we’ve compiled a quick list of things to think about as you plan your trip. 


  1. Stay in accommodations with high standards of cleanliness.

    Do your research and choose accommodations with good cleaning and disinfection protocols in place. You should consider if they have upgraded their housekeeping routine or have developed enhanced approaches (e.g. deep cleaning, contactless stay, etc.) to ensure a safer experience for guests.

  2. Dress for the culture.

    When you’re travelling to a foreign country, it’s best to blend in with the crowd. Keep cultural differences in mind when choosing what clothing or jewellery to wear and bring. This will avoid drawing attention to yourself, your family and your valuables.

  3. Make copies of your documents.

    Scan important documents (including your passport, driver’s license, visa, COVID-19 vaccination certificate and travel itinerary) and store them somewhere you can access them remotely or leave copies of them with a trusted friend or family member prior to departing. If something happens to your documents while you’re travelling, you’ll be able to get copies quickly.   

  1. Only rent a car if you’re familiar with the terrain.

    .Navigating a foreign country can be hard enough without having to think about driving rules and regulations. You may face additional risks, as well as costs if you’re in an accident while travelling. Make sure your auto and liability insurance will cover you overseas if you plan on renting a car. You may also want to check out these practical tips to prepare for a self-drive holiday.

  2. Don’t post or geo-tag on social media.

    When you or your kids post or geo-tag pictures or comments on social media, you’re letting burglars know that you’re away from home, and you’re telling a wide world of thieves and criminals where you are. Instead, wait until you’re back home to share your adventures online.      

  1. Check your destination’s travel notices and guidelines for visitors.

    Even if you’ve visited the destination in the past, especially with the ongoing pandemic, it’s wise to check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organisation to get the latest country-specific travel notices. Some countries will have special requirements, such as mandatory COVID-19 medical coverage or warnings, that may have changed since you last visited.

  2. Find out about potential health risks.

    Will you need special vaccinations? Are there specific health risks associated with your destination? For example, a trip to Africa will put you at a higher risk for malaria and polio than other locations, so you should check local immunisation recommendations before you go. Start planning your overseas travel in advance to make sure you’ll be up-to-date on all of your shots and medications.

  3. Consider purchasing travel insurance.

    Medical emergencies during a trip, especially overseas, can be costly and may not be covered by your health insurance. But travel insurance with medical benefits can help pay for these unexpected expenses as well as provide assistance during emergencies, including coordinating your trip home. It’s also worth taking time to familiarise yourself with your destination's conditions, such as high altitude or pollution, that could impact your health and the types of medical facilities available. Here are four reasons why you should get a travel insurance for your upcoming trip.


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