Insurance for Climate Tech Companies

As the global population grows and energy demands increase, clean technology companies are critical to the global economy. Being prepared for the changing risk landscape is more important than ever.
solar panels


Early Stage Climate Tech Companies

Your success requires balancing a passion for innovation with the need to protect your company’s future against the most critical risks.

Commercialized Climate Tech Companies

Whether you’re shipping solar panel components to the United States, assembling power systems for hybrid vehicles, or producing renewable energy at multiple locations throughout the world, your global business requires global insurance solutions to help protect your investments and your people.

wind turbine

Target Sectors

Built Environment & Energy Efficiency

Companies innovating in Built Environment and Energy Efficiency such as building automation, alternative materials, methane detection tools and waste heat exchangers.

Food & Agriculture

Companies supporting Food and Agriculture such as Alternative Proteins, Precision Agriculture and Vertical Farming equipment manufacturers.


Manufacturing companies supporting Renewable and Alternative Energies such as a manufacturer of a wind tower and solar tracking solutions.

Carbon Capture

Companies involved in Carbon capture storage and utilization.

Transportation and Mobility

Companies involved in Transportation and Mobility such as Electric Vehicle charging stations and Lidar Technologies.

Battery Energy

Companies manufacturing Battery Energy Storage Systems and developers of new and evolving battery technologies.


As Climate Tech businesses innovate for the future, they face unique risks due to both the unprecedented nature of their operations and the urgency of scaling for the low carbon transition. 


These are the companies developing the cutting edge products, services, and technologies necessary to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and protect Earth’s natural resources during the energy transition.

The operational profiles of Climate Tech companies are complex and their spectrum of risk exposures is broad. Climate Tech companies span all major industries including energy, food, manufacturing, transportation, and technology. With Chubb’s expertise in the Climate Tech industry, clients can trust our support to help protect their organizations.


Submissions or questions about Climate Tech insurance solutions?


To learn how Chubb supports businesses with Climate Tech insurance solutions, contact us.

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If you are a California resident, please read our Notice at Collection.

Note: The claim scenarios described here are intended to show the types of situations that may result in claims. These scenarios should not be compared to any other claim. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law. Facts may have been changed to protect privacy of the parties involved.

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