Energy Insurance

The energy sector is changing rapidly and involves a great deal of risk. Energy companies utilize complex infrastructure, often located in hazardous environments, and must operate safely day in, day out. Chubb works closely with traditional and renewable energy providers to ensure they have the necessary property, liability, and business coverage to meet their specific challenges.
Wire tower

Products & Services

Solutions for meeting the unique and complex needs of your energy business

Pollution liability
Customizable gradual or sudden and accidental pollution coverage specifically designed for energy risks
Umbrella & excess casualty
Tailored insurance solutions designed to address unique energy casualty coverage requirements
Commercial package insurance
Our Customarq Package Policy offers property and liability insurance protection that is truly customizable
Chubb Methane Resource Hub
A digital resource to support Chubb's oil and gas clients in identifying and adopting methane emissions reduction technologies
Matt McMulli
Chubb Specialist Profile

Meet our Energy and Climate+ Leader

Matt McMullin | EVP, Climate+ Leader and Energy Practice Leader

“We're staying tuned into new technologies, because the energy landscape is evolving and changing as more and more companies are moving toward the goal of net zero emissions.”

risk engineer looking at laptop
Solutions for Large Companies

Specialized products geared toward your specific risks

Chubb’s Energy Industry Practice understands the complex spectrum of risks experienced by large companies in today’s energy sector. Our global operation in 54 countries and territories positions us to support today’s energy industry with best-in-class products, risk management services, and claims handling capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our risk engineering team provides a consulting service to help clients determine their carbon footprint and identify opportunities to reduce their emissions and resulting climate impact. We can also help model the exposures faced by your business operations to climate-related risks, such as windstorms, flooding, and wildfires.

We can provide scalable insurance solutions to meet a broad range of requirements, as well as customized coverage programs for large-scale and multinational clients. Our primary casualty, excess liability, and financial lines have specialist underwriting teams. And our cleantech industry practice offers expertise in all renewable energy technologies.

At Chubb we are fully aware of the reality of climate change and the impact we are having on our planet. We encourage and expect a transition to greater reliance on alternative and renewable fuel solutions to meet our energy needs.


In accordance with our policies, we will generally not underwrite risks related to the construction or operation of new coal-fired plants. Nor will we underwrite new risks for companies that generate more than 30% of revenues from thermal coal mining, or for companies that generate more than 30% of their energy production from coal.


See the Full Chubb Coal Policy

Yes. Chubb offers upstream energy coverage for oil and gas companies and their contractors.  Visit our site to learn more


Insights and expertise

We keep you informed – and your business protected – with these helpful articles.
abstract globe with lights
Risk Management
Managing special global risks in today’s turbulent times
Identify unexpected risks facing multinational companies — and learn how to strengthen your global insurance program.
businesswomen looking at map
Risk Management
Questions to ask when building a multinational insurance program
When venturing into new global markets, your business will encounter new risks. Find out how to build an insurance program that provides the coverage you need.
nurse assisting elderly woman with cane
Risk Management
Preparing your long-term care facility for emergencies
A comprehensive, up-to-date plan can help mitigate the impact of disasters and infectious diseases.
stacked plastic bottles
Risk Management
4 sources of plastic fires in medical product manufacturing
Flammable plastics are a significant risk for manufacturers of medical products. Identifying key risks and taking preventive action can help limit losses.
medical production
Risk Management
Business continuity planning for Life Sciences
Organizations in the life science arena are uniquely susceptible to loss due to sensitive business and physical infrastructure. Invest time in your business continuity plan now to preserve your organization and maintain regulatory commitments when disaster strikes.
office space
All business sizes
5 tips for an ergonomic workspace
When you think about calling in sick to work, typically a cold or the flu may come to mind. But the fastest-growing category of workplace injury—and a major cause of time off work—is something called a Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD).
fire on metal
Risk Management
Fire prevention for businesses
Property fires are a constant threat for businesses and can cause severe business disruption.
construction worker safety harness
Risk Management
5 steps for preventing construction falls
Construction worker fatalities are rising—here’s how to reduce the incidence of on-site accidents.

Contact Us

Let's build the coverage you need, together

Victoria O'Keefe | Core Leader
One Financial Center
Boston, MA 02111 
O 617-261-6129

Todd Holland  | Core Leader | Pollution Leader | 35 yrs industry experience
11575 Great Oaks Way, Suite 200
Alpharetta, GA 30022
O 678-795-4344
M 404-630-2267

Alex Casella, Core Leader
525 W Monroe Street 1200
Chicago, IL 60661
O 312-612-8932   
M 312-438-6688

Robert (Bob) Tarpey | Core Leader
120 Fifth Avenue, Fifth Avenue Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
O 412-456-8939    
M 412-973-8305

Jan McLain | Regional Leader | 30 yrs industry experience
5400 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Suite 700
Dallas, TX 75240
O 214-754-8237
M 480-455-8142