We provide tailored insurance to a wide variety of marine clients, such as
Marine facilities must protect against exposures both in water and on land. Chubb recognizes the unique risks faced by marine facilities and offers customized insurance solutions to cater to their individual needs to stay competitive. Chubb has been insuring marine facilities for over 30 years and remains committed to serving clients in this complex and ever evolving sector.
A tornado severely devastated an insured boat dealer’s buildings and many boats held for sale during the winter. Chubb’s marine surveyors immediately jumped in and helped the insured assess the loss.
The insured elected to do the boat repair work themselves, which led to the fastest possible resolution as it allowed them to be sold to the public quickly. Chubb adjusters were then able to shift attention on resolving the total boat losses and the building portion of the loss.
Chubb’s focus on managing the process allowed the insured to be back in business quickly without suffering a business income loss.*
*The claim scenarios described here are intended to show the types of situations that may result in claims. These scenarios should not be compared to any other claim. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law.
Marine facilities at Chubb
Chubb Marine Facilities loss control specialists are pleased to provide with you with this exclusive publication on guidelines for developing and implementing a hurricane emergency action plan.
Most watercraft run on fuel - gasoline or diesel. Even sailboats generally need a small motor to maneuver in close quarters such as navigating in and out of a marina or boatyard. The storage, handling and transfer of these fuels can be hazardous if not done carefully and safely. Here are some precautions that marina operators should consider implementing.
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