Nancy M

"It wasn’t about the expenses. It was about us and making our home right again."

Nancy M. | Bluffton, SC

Chubb’s first-class service made Nancy’s claim a seamless experience

Nancy and her husband were traveling when their neighbor called with shocking news: an enormous red oak tree had fallen through their home. With a 25-ton tree and gaping holes in her roof, and water everywhere from a rainstorm, Nancy felt panicked, and expected to come home to a disaster.


Instead, Chubb was ready to help her breathe easier and make her home new again. After finding her a comfortable place to stay, the restoration process began quickly. Chubb surprised Nancy by replacing her hardwood floors, even ones that weren’t damaged so the style and quality would match. Each step, Chubb reassured Nancy that everything was done correctly.


Nancy was amazed that Chubb turned an unexpected disaster into a minor inconvenience, leaving her feeling completely supported throughout the experience.

Claim Details
Bluffton, SC
Claim Incident
August 2015
Client Since
Insurance Agency

Assured Partners
3860 Faber Place
Drive #400
North Charleston, SC 29405

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Client Stories

Hear stories from clients who experienced the Chubb difference first-hand.
Joe and Roberta
Joe and Roberta had just put their house up for sale when a water leak damaged their beloved home. Chubb was there to make things right.
Joe and Roberta, Cedar Grove, NJ
Yuctan & Gillian
When a ceiling leak led to an unexpected restoration, all Gillian and Yuctan had to do was pick the finishing touches.
Yuctan & Gillian, Washington, D.C.
Lynn S
After Lynn's home was lost to a fire, Chubb turned a horrible event into a wonderful claims experience to make her whole again.
Lynn S. Dallas, TX
Mike P
"It’s absolutely true that Chubb looks for ways to say yes and do more."
Mike P., Augusta, KS

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