
10 tasks to prepare your home for fall weather

house in greens

Don’t wait for the rain or snow to come before you start your preparations. It’s not winter just yet, but with cooler weather upon us, you may want to make sure your home is sealed up tight and ready. 


1. Check your home for leaks in your window seals or roof. If your home’s eaves have stains, that can indicate a leak. If you find any stains, call a roof contractor to make any repairs before winter.


2. Ensure the water drains away from the home. If your area experiences snow, any back-up of gutters may result in ice damming and lead to water damage.


3. Before winter arrives, shut off all outside water faucets or garden hose connections, then drain hoses and store them in the garage.


4. Clean overgrown vegetation and trim dead branches from trees that are close to your home. Also give your lawn one last cut before cleaning and storing your lawn mower. Apply a fertilizer and pre-emergent to your lawn to prevent winter damage and from weeds germinating underground.

cleaning leaves

5. Clean out your grill and firepit. Cover up or store any outdoor furniture, so it’s out of the elements safe from wind-storms, and stays nice for next year.


6. If you have a HVAC service contract, have them stop by. Otherwise, replace filters and install covers on the AC condensing units on the outside of the home.

Grandpa talking with kids

7. Call a professional to check your fireplace and chimney – especially if you plan to use it during the winter. Nothing is worse than smoking up your home when the weather is cold because your fireplace flue wasn’t cleaned. If you use a wood burning fireplace, be sure to dispose of the ashes properly using a fireproof metal bucket.

Father and daughter near fireplace

8. Make sure everything you’ll need before winter is in good working order. If your area gets snow, test your snowblower and have it serviced. Ensure your outdoor activated night lights or security system components are all operating correctly. 

9. Repair cracks in driveways, walkways, and steps. Fixing these issues prevents water from getting into the cracks, freezing, and expanding which can turn the small cracks into big cracks. 

10. While you’re making fall preparations, we encourage you to check out these 10 ways to protect your home from cold weather throughout the winter– after all it’s right around the corner. 

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