Marine Cargo

aerial view of cargo ship
Marine cargo

Companies with goods travelling at their risk or expense, whether internationally or domestically, require insurance to cover them for loss or damage whilst in transit.

Our worldwide network of offices with local underwriters, claims teams and experienced risk professionals offer guidance, knowledge and support to customers wherever they are.

  • Worldwide network of offices
  • Expert underwriters, knowledgeable risk management professionals and claims teams
  • Standardized cover or customized, sophisticated programmes
  • Local policy issuance
  • Multinational premium collection and claims handling
  • Global risk management solutions
  • Electronic certificates of insurance

We’re cargo insurance experts – and we care about your business

Whether your business is big or small, takes you around the world or just around the harbour, Chubb is there for you. Our breadth of experience in cargo insurance means we can provide the guidance and service you need, whenever you need it, wherever you may be.

Partnership that’s personal 
We work to understand your business and where you’re heading so we can be proactive about meeting your needs. We invest in getting to know you, your team and your customers. The goal: to help you see ahead, be ahead and stay ahead.


Creative problem-solving
Insurance isn’t one-size-fits-all – and neither is our approach. Our playbook is always evolving because we’re always helping clients avoid risk in smarter ways. That means we bring the latest thinking and a fresh perspective to solving your challenges.


Unmatched expertise and financial strength
We’ve served clients and partnered with leading organisations for more than 200 years. Our longevity, expertise and financial strength are the bedrock of our business. 


Talk to one of our experts