
8 tips for traveling safely abroad

palm trees on sunset

Non surprisingly traveling expose us to greater risks, but the good news is that many of the risks associated with travel are absolutely preventable with due care and attention. To help you travel peacefully and safely, here are some things to consider as you plan your trip.

  1. Don't use unsecured public Wi-Fi networks

    According to Experian, 33% of data theft occurs while people are traveling abroad, and unsecured Wi-Fi networks in hotels, restaurants, bars, or airports are often the cause. . Rather, it is preferable to use a local SIM card to insert into your phone or tablet and set up a secure Wi-Fi hotspot. In addition, the phone must always be protected by a password.

  2. Don't post or geo-tag on social media

    When you or your kids post or geo-tag pictures or comments on social media, you’re letting burglars know that you’ll be away from home, and you’re telling a wide world of thieves and criminals where you are. Instead, wait until you’re back home to share your adventures online.

  3. Dress for the culture

    When you’re traveling to a foreign country, it’s best to blend in with the crowd. Keep cultural differences in mind when choosing what clothing or jewellery to wear and bring. This will ensure you avoid drawing attention to yourself, your family and your wealth.

  1. Leave copies of your documents behind

    Scan important documents, including your passport, driver’s license, visa and travel itinerary, and leave copies of them with a trusted friend or family member prior to departing. If something happens to your documents while you’re traveling, you’ll be able to get copies with a quick phone call.

  2. Only rent a car if you're familiar with the terrain.

    Navigating a foreign country can be hard enough without having to think about driving rules and regulations. You may face additional risks, as well as costs, if you’re in an accident while traveling. Make sure your auto and liability insurance will cover you overseas if you plan on renting a car.

  1. Check your destination's travel notices and local news

    Even if you have already visited a country in the past, it is advisable to check the guidelines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for travel outside the national territory, as well as those of the World Health Organization, to be always up to date on country-specific travel recommendations. Some countries may have different special requirements or warnings than your last visit.

  2. Find out about any potential health risks

    Will you need special vaccinations? Are there any specific health risks associated with your destination? For example, a trip to Namibia will put you at a higher risk of malaria and polio than other locations, so you may need to get a vaccine before you leave. Start planning your trip abroad in advance to make sure you are up-to-date on all vaccines and medications.

  3. Consider purchasing emergency medical and travel assistance

    This is especially relevant if you are traveling to places that do not have a national health service or where medical facilities are poorly equipped. You can be sure that in the event of a serious emergency, be it medical, legal or a threat to your safety and well-being, you can get support with a simple phone call.

Don't get stuck abroad - make sure you're adequately protected when traveling.


Disclaimer: This information is descriptive only. All products may not be available in all jurisdictions. Coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued.

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