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EPL insurance protects against liability arising from employment practices with respect to claims by current, former or potential employees. An EPL policy can provide coverage for:

  • discrimination (both in the hiring process and during employment)
  • constructive dismissal, wrongful dismissal
  • harassment (including workplace or sexual harassment)
  • wrongful failure to employ or promote
  • wrongful discipline
  • wrongful deprivation of a career-opportunity
  • failure to grant tenure
  • negligent evaluation
  • invasion of privacy
  • employment-related defamation
  • wrongful infliction of emotional distress
  • employment-related misrepresentation
  • breaches of occupational health and safety legislation
  • and other employment related claims

Coverage Highlights


Chubb’s EPL Loss Prevention Program—available to Chubb EPL Insurance customers where permitted by law. It includes the following:

1. ChubbWorksWebsite

2. Loss Prevention Consultant Services

ChubbWorksWebsite (— An online resource for customers seeking assistance with employment issues. Offers convenient access to:

  • Online training modules addressing sexual harassment, discrimination, termination, retaliation, and incident management.
  • A comprehensive Model Employee Handbook with more than 90 model policies ranging from equal employment to social media.
  • Best Practices Minutes—Short, on-demand presentations on important workplace topics such as disability discrimination, social media, workplace bullying, and retaliation.
  • Employment practices self-assessment checklists and numerous other model forms and policies.
  • Informational periodicals, employment journals, and an entire library of articles relevant to employment practices, as well as links to other valuable resources.

Loss Prevention Consultant Services :Chubb’s network of more than 120 top law firms, HR consulting firms, and labour economist statistical firms offer specialized services designed to help our customers create customized solutions to their employment issues.

  • Pre-approved firms are available to customers at preferred rates
  • Chubb chose its network of quality vendors with the goal of assuring customer satisfaction. Quality of the services offered and expertise of the service providers are our most important considerations in approving a vendor
  • Wide selection of vendors helps ensure you will be able to find someone that meets your needs, even when your needs change
  • Chubb will reimburse customers for a portion of the cost of preventive services (50% of the cost up to 10% of the annual EPL Insurance premium) that directly relate to the coverage offered under our EPL Insurance policy.

Please note that services must be rendered and invoices must be submitted to Chubb during the applicable policy’s policy period. Services rendered by one’s own organization are not eligible for reimbursement.


Coverage can also include protection against liability arising from a third party ie. customer, vendor, service provider or other business invitee of the organization for discrimination or harass­ment.

Coverage is provided to the employer, its directors and officers and employees.

Coverage can include amounts that the organization become legally obligated to pay as a result of a claim, which may include judgments, settlements and defense costs. In some cases, punitive or exemplary damages may be covered as well.


Up to $25 million

Client Profile

All public companies