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Product recalls are complex for any business, particularly so if you are a small business owner. You can get affordable product recall insurance coverage with this solution designed for first-time buyers who need coverage but may be priced out of other market offerings.

Product Recall Insurance for Small Business Coverage Highlights

  • Protects balance sheet and brand name
  • Combines traditional insurance with consulting services
  • Gives the ability to customize and tailor coverage to the insured needs
  • Covering businesses with sales to $25 million
  • Minimum SIR of $2,500
  • Limits $25,000 to $2 million
  • Highly skilled underwriting expertise
  • The Chubb Difference - financial strength: Rated AA- by Standard & Poor's and A++ by A.M. Best

Product Recall Insurance for Small Business Client Profile

  • Component Parts: Target risks are component parts which are used in the general manufacturing, electronic, medical device, automotive and aviation industry.
  • Consumer Goods: Target risks are finished products in the areas of appliances, electronics/electrical, clothes, furniture, household, children’s products, outdoor goods and products, sports/exercise equipment and products, etc.
  • Consumable Products: Target industries are food & beverage companies, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

Product Recall Insurance for Small Business Submission Requirements

  • Chubb’s Small Business Application Form and Supporting Documents
  • Copy of Recall and Traceability Program
  • Copy of Quality Control Manual (incl. Standard Operating Procedures/Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures and Good Manufacturing Practices)
  • 5 year Loss History
  • Please send submissions to:

Specialized Consultants, for Specialized Businesses

Businesses have 24/7 access to a network of specialized product recall consultants on a post incident basis. Our group of experts are leading industry professionals who are familiar with the regulatory challenges and nuance of the product recall market.


Recall Plus™ | Insurance for the Small Business Owner