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Are you ready to balik kampung?


This Hari Raya, many of us will be on the road for hours to visit our family, for a short getaway, or both. Here are some important to-dos and tips to help keep you and your family safe on the road:


Before the road trip

  1. Get your car, especially these parts, checked and serviced:
    • Engine oil and oil filter 
    • Spark plugs
    • Lights, brakes and tyres
    • Timing belt
    • Auto transmission and/or power steering fluid
    • Windscreen wipers and wiper fluid
    • Air filter
  2. Plan the drive ahead of time and be familiar with alternate routes.
  3. Ensure that your car insurance is still valid.
  4. Keep all necessary documents, such as your driver's license and insurance certificate handy.
  5. Pack all your essentials such as Touch n’ Go card, mobile phone and charger.
  6. Make sure your GPS is updated.
  7. Keep your vehicle and personal belongings secure.
  8. Pack a roadside emergency kit.

During the road trip

  1. Buckle up and comply with the speed limits
    This is one of the best ways to stay safe.

  2. Pay attention
    Keep your attention where it needs to be, i.e.: on the road and the cars around you. Make sure you follow these suggestions too: 

    • Do not use your cell phone – and use text blockers that notify people who send you texts that you can’t respond right away.
    • If you stop for food or drinks, eat it there instead of eating while you drive.
    • Keep the radio down so you can hear what’s going on around you – and only change the station when you’re stopped.
    • If others in the car are loud or misbehaving, don’t turn around to engage or reprimand them. Pull over to a safe location to handle the situation.
    • Check your mirrors regularly and take note of your petrol level.
    • Limit your participation in conversations to a minimum, especially during heavy traffic or adverse weather.
  3. Don’t drive if you’re not fully awake
    Have an extra cup of coffee, if necessary, before you get behind the wheel. If you are on medication, be mindful that certain medications can make you sleepy, so arrange for a designated driver. 

  4. Keep your cool
    If you’re running behind and under a lot of pressure, remember to stay calm on the road (even if those around you aren’t), obey the laws, and be courteous to other drivers. Set a good example if you have pre-teens or teenage children with you, as they will take those lessons and use them when they’re behind the wheel.

  5.  Get protected
    Accidents happen, even to the most cautious drivers. Your safety is what drives us to do more for you and your family, like restoring your car to pre-claim condition when repaired by Chubb Preferred Repairers and offering some of the best protection on the road

In case of an accident or emergency

Besides  knowing what to do in those situations roadside assistance programs can be a lifesaver. All Chubb motor policyholders in Malaysia have access to our  24-hour roadside assistance hotline; and other dedicated services offered by  Chubb Preferred Repairers.

* Source:
1. Travel Insurance Review - 7 Tips for Safer Holiday Road Trips
2. Motus - 6 Tips for Driving Safely This Holiday Season


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