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Scope and Purpose

At Chubb Insurance Malaysia Berhad (“Company/Chubb”), we take pride in our reputation and our commitment to always putting integrity first. All employees and directors of the Company play a part in maintaining this reputation and continuing to uphold the Company’s success.
In line with this commitment, we have put in place a Whistleblowing Policy and procedures to provide an avenue for our directors, employees and third parties (such as vendors, contractors, consultants, agents and business partners of the Company) to disclose any improper conduct that may be illegal, unethical, corrupt or otherwise cause damage to the Company’s reputation.


What is Improper Conduct

Conduct by the Company or any of its directors, employees and third parties will be considered to be improper when it does not meet the Company’s regulatory obligations or where it may otherwise be considered illegal, fraudulent, unethical, corrupt or inconsistent with the Company’s internal policies.

Examples of improper conduct include but are not limited to:

  • Bribery and Corrupt conduct;
  • Fraud, theft, embezzlement or dishonest conduct; 
  • Breaches of Policies, Procedures and applicable Laws and Regulations;
  • Any form of harassment;
  • Actions which can cause physical danger/harm to another person and/or can give rise to risk of damage to properties/assets; 
  • Substantial mismanagement of the Company’s resources or duties; 
  • Conduct which may cause financial loss to the Company or bring it to severe public disrepute or ridicule or is otherwise detrimental to the Company’s interests; 
  • Conduct that breaches any obligations under the Chubb Code of Conduct or the Company’s Policies and Procedures; 
  • Poor or unethical sales practices, including mis-selling; 
  • Conflict of interest; or
  • Misuse of position or information which may result in profiteering.


Reporting Improper Conduct

Everyone has a right to whistleblow any known or suspected incidences of improper conduct of the Company or any of its directors, employees and third parties. Reporting concerns can help the Company improve processes and solve problems quickly. Such individual is referred to as “Whistleblower”
The Whistleblower must ensure that the disclosure is made in good faith, free from malicious intent, and is not for personal gains.


How To Make A Report?

We take whistleblowing seriously and your concern matters to us. We would like to hear from you if any of your disclosure is related to improper conducts or practices occurring within or related to Chubb. Any disclosure can be made to any of the following dedicated reporting channels:
  1. Complete the Whistleblowing Form and then send it to; or
  2. report directly to relevant government or regulatory authorities and enforcement agencies in Malaysia as prescribed by the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 such as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Association of Banks Malaysia (ABM), Police, etc.


How Does Chubb Handle The Information Provided By You

Chubb commits to ensure that all disclosed information, including the identity of the Whistleblower shall be treated with strict confidentiality. Investigation will be carried out by the appropriate party. During the investigation, the investigator may reach out to the Whistleblower for additional information and/or documents to assist in the investigation. Should the Whistleblower not be able to substantiate its allegations with reliable evidence, the Company may not be able to act on it. Once the investigation has been completed, the finding will be shared to Whistleblower (except where the Whistleblower is not contactable).

Appropriate corrective or disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken where a finding of improper conduct is made.


Protection of Whistleblower

The Company is committed to ensure that Whistleblower is not disadvantaged in any way for raising genuine concerns about known or suspected improper conduct.

A Whistleblower will be protected from harassment, retaliation, victimization and recrimination, where they make a report in good faith and where it can be demonstrated that there are reasonable grounds for the belief that improper conduct has occurred (“Protected Reporting”).


Withdrawal of Report

The Whistleblower who wishes to withdraw his/her report is required to write to together with supporting reason(s) for the withdrawal. Notwithstanding such withdrawal, Chubb reserves the right to proceed with investigation on the matters arising from the report.