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What to do if you live in a flood-prone area

palm trees in strong wind

As a country with frequent rainfalls, different parts of Malaysia have experienced flash floods and water overflows that cause various inconveniences or even tragic incidents.

If you are staying in a flood-prone area, here are some necessary precautionary tips for you to ensure your safety and wellbeing during the wet season:

  • Prepare waterproof containers for valuables and necessary documents.
  • Arrange an alternative accommodation on the higher ground if you are staying at low lying areas.
  • Empty the fridge and cupboards, leave the doors slightly open when evacuating.
  • Relocate electrical appliances to higher ground.
  • Disconnect electrical appliances which cannot be moved.


Flood recovery guide

  1. Contact your insurer or insurance provider as soon as possible to report losses due to flood damage.

  2. Arrange an alternative accommodation and if necessary, begin the process of restoring your home.

  3. Remove the muds and other debris, check your gas and electricity. Remove any damaged fixtures/fitting and furniture. Never touch a downed electrical wire. Call the power company immediately.

  4. Practice good personal hygiene and wash your hands often. Wear waterproof boots and gloves to keep the flood water from touching your skin.

  5. Food safety: Do not take any food that might have been in contact with flood water.

  6. Water safety: Do not use the tap water directly for drinking, cooking or bathing after the flood. Boil the water and add water purifying tablets.


Source: - What to do if you live in a flood-prone area?


Having the right home and content insurance cover can really help to lighten your financial burden in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as flood.

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The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/policy/product is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS brochure or contact Chubb Insurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit


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