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Workplace injuries can disrupt your business and lead to costly compensation payments. That’s why we provide employers with extensive insurance coverage and liability insurance protection against accidental death or injury. Our track record of offering Group Personal Accident insurance to organisations also puts us in a good place to help yours, no matter its size.

Coverage Highlights

Key Benefits

Accidental death benefit
Permanent total disability
Medical expenses due to an accident
Hospital cash
Funeral expenses
Additional indemnity for Public Conveyance
Fractured bones
2nd and 3rd degree burns

What It Covers

  • Disappearance and exposure
  • Unprovoked murder and assault
  • Natural perils
  • Riots and strikes
  • Civil commotion
  • Suffocation by smoke, poisonous fumes, gas and drowning
  • Terrorism
  • Motorcycling

Classification of occupations

  • Class I

    “White collar workers” and personnel whose duties are office related, but not subject to other factors that would increase their risk e.g. attorneys, office managers, clerical & administrative employees, commercial and city salesmen who do not make deliveries

  • Class II

    Occupations where some degree of risk is involved e.g. supervision of manual workers, totally administrative job in an industrial environment, light manual labor (excluding those who use machinery, travelling salesmen, surveyors and merchants)

  • Class III

    Occupations involving regular, light to medium manual work but no substantial hazard which may increase the risk of sickness or accident e.g. industrial workers, most of whom are skilled or semi-skilled workers using light machinery, petrol station attendants, farmers who do not do manual labor, carpenters (excluding those who use power driven woodworking machinery) and taxi drivers.

  • Class IV

    High risk occupations involving heavy manual work, including hot works, industrial workers who use heavy machinery and unskilled laborers

For other occupations, applications will be considered based on details received.

Please refer to the policy contract for the full details of benefits, terms and exclusions that are applicable. The information provided here is a brief summary for quick and easy reference. The exact terms and conditions that apply are stated in the policy contract.

The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/policy/product is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS brochure or contact Chubb Insurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit

Forms and Documents

Have a question or need more information?

Contact us to find out how we can help you get covered against potential risks