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If you or your business has been involved in an accident or health claim, we understand that the situations leading up to the claim can be distressing for everyone involved—and may even involve loss of life. At Chubb, our goal is to minimise the trauma and discomfort—making every claim as stress-free and straightforward as possible. We listen carefully to the needs and concerns of our customers and make sure they're well-informed every step of the way. The Claims team has a clear and simple purpose; that is to respond to each claim with a sense of urgency and care. We therefore aim to provide a claims service that is thoughtful, responsive and solution-orientated. Everything is directed to respond to the needs of the customer, not just the event.

a couple of people that are standing in the grass

Everything is directed to respond to the needs of our customers, not just the event.

What makes the Chubb Accident & Health and Travel claims process different?

  • Highly trained team with sound understanding of the medical, legal, international and financial elements of a claim
  • Prompt acknowledgment within three working days upon receipt of claims notification
  • Staff empowered to make immediate decisions to streamline our process
  • Worldwide network of offices providing access to local experts and ensures the delivery of appropriate local solutions

Who to contact:
A&H Claims