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Every time you drive, there’s risk of an accident. Besides vehicle insurance, your life should be well protected should such incidents occur. Chubb’s Premium DriveCare is a comprehensive personal accident plan that offers financial support to drivers and passengers of your vehicle – from as young as 3 to as old as 80 – should mishaps occur. It’s welcome relief in your time of need.

Coverage Highlights

What it covers

  • Accidental death 
  • Permanent disablement 
  • Funeral and cremation expenses 
  • Hospital income benefit 
  • Medical reimbursement 
  • Double indemnity benefit 
  • Car allowance 
  • Temporary car replacement


  • Personal accident benefits applicable in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei
  • Double indemnity during nationwide public holidays in Malaysia
  • Additional cashless car assistance of RM200 if the vehicle is insured under Chubb’s Private Care Comprehensive Motor Insurance
  • Car allowance for up to 15 days 
  • Temporary replacement car within Malaysia for up to 5 days (no limit to the number of accidents)

Please refer to the policy contract for the full details of benefits, terms and exclusions that are applicable. The information provided here is a brief summary for quick and easy reference. The exact terms and conditions that apply are stated in the policy contract.

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