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Customer Center

If you have any enquiries or require general information about insurance products offered by Chubb in Malaysia, please contact us at:

Chubb Insurance Malaysia Berhad
197001000564 (9827-A)
Wisma Chubb
38 Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur
Tel         :  03 2058 3198 (Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5:15pm, excluding Public Holidays and weekends)
Fax        :  03 2058 3333
Email     :
GoInsure Website :
Chubb Malaysia Website:

Travel 24 Hour Emergency Hotline +603 7628 3703
The services under Medical Emergencies are provided upon the specified terms and conditions of the policy and are available only when the Insured Persons are on a Journey.
24 Hour Roadside Assistance (Chubb Motor Assist)
Accident | Breakdown | Windscreen Claim
1300 88 0128

GoInsure Personal Accident

Life can be unpredictable.

Protect yourself from additional financial strain with GoInsure Personal Accident Insurance. 

The product covers Accidental Death & Permanent Disability, Medical Expenses due to Accident, Hospital Income, Funeral Expenses & Mobility Expenses.

GoInsure Motor

Chubb understands how loss and damage to your car can set you back financially. 

Hence, a thorough and comprehensive motor insurance plan, GoInsure Motor Insurance has been crafted to help you get back on track when life takes a wrong turn.

Product Information Claims Information
a close up of a logo Product Disclosure Sheet (English | Malay) a close up of a logo Bank Negara Malaysia Claims Guide for Motor Accidents
a close up of a logo Policy Wordings (English | Malay) a close up of a logo Claim Form (Windscreen | Accident or Theft)
a close up of a logo FAQ a close up of a logo Claim Checklist

Panel Workshops
Check out the list of Chubb's panel workshops for accident or windscreen repair.

Other Information
a close up of a logo Personal Data Protection Notice (English | Malay)
a close up of a logo Personal Data Access Request Form
a close up of a logo Personal Data Correction Request Form

GoInsure 3

Stay financially secure against unexpected moments in life. 
Get covered with Chubb's Personal Accident Insurance for peace of mind!

About Chubb

Chubb is the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurer. Chubb’s operation in Malaysia (Chubb Insurance Malaysia Berhad) provides a comprehensive range of general insurance solutions for individuals, families and businesses, both large and small through a multitude of distribution channels. With a strong underwriting culture, the company offers responsive service and market leadership built on financial strength. Chubb in Malaysia has an extensive branch network and and more than 2,600 Independent Distribution Partners (Agents).