Who we serve

Products and Services

Public entity integrated casualty

With a range of endorsements and flexible policy forms, Chubb can customize coverage to meet the specific needs of each client. Designed to provide coverage in excess of a self-insured retention, Chubb’s Primary Retained Limits Policy covers Automobile Liability, General Liability including Law Enforcement Liability and Sexual Abuse Liability, Public Officials and Employment Practices Liability. Chubb’s Excess Follow Form Policy provides capacity for individual and group risks - coverage triggers, defense costs and aggregates apply in the same manner as the underlying coverage. 


Reinsurance agreements are available for use when Chubb reinsures a municipal pool or group entity. These agreements allow Chubb to customize coverage to align with the Memorandum of Coverage issued by the pool to its members. Chubb also has the flexibility to sign onto broker reinsurance agreements when necessary.

Chubb Risk Engineering

Increasing globalization, new business models, changing technology, an evolving risk management approach — as you face these challenges, Chubb can craft risk engineering solutions to address your specific risks. Our in-house network of more than 400 risk engineers around the globe helps companies anticipate and minimize costly exposures.

Recent claim scenario

Chubb resolves automobile claim

A law enforcement officer was involved in a collision while responding to a call for the insured public entity. The collision resulted in a fatality to the other driver.

Chubb worked with the TPA and insureds to reach a settlement.


Insights and expertise

We keep you informed – and your business protected – with these helpful articles.
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Risk Management
Preparing your long-term care facility for emergencies
A comprehensive, up-to-date plan can help mitigate the impact of disasters and infectious diseases.
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Risk Management
4 sources of plastic fires in medical product manufacturing
Flammable plastics are a significant risk for manufacturers of medical products. Identifying key risks and taking preventive action can help limit losses.
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Risk Management
Business continuity planning for Life Sciences
Organizations in the life science arena are uniquely susceptible to loss due to sensitive business and physical infrastructure. Invest time in your business continuity plan now to preserve your organization and maintain regulatory commitments when disaster strikes.
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All business sizes
5 tips for an ergonomic workspace
When you think about calling in sick to work, typically a cold or the flu may come to mind. But the fastest-growing category of workplace injury—and a major cause of time off work—is something called a Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD).
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Risk Management
Fire prevention for businesses
Property fires are a constant threat for businesses and can cause severe business disruption.
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5 steps for preventing construction falls
Construction worker fatalities are rising—here’s how to reduce the incidence of on-site accidents.
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Risk Management
School’s in session: Understanding education related risks
Learn how to identify and mitigate the greatest risks facing educational institutions.
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Risk Management
Climate change: What are the negative effects on businesses?
What you need to know to understand, prepare for, and reduce the impact of climate change on your organization.

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