Medical Liability Insurance

Healthcare organizations today face unique and pressing challenges. At Chubb, our goal is to help you meet your challenges by working with you to offer a wide range of global medical liability insurance products designed to meet your unique risk management needs.

Products and services

Hospitals & Healthcare Systems

Primary and excess medical liability coverage for hospitals, healthcare systems and integrated delivery systems.

Senior Care Facilities

Professional Liability and General Liability coverage for Long Term Care Facilities.

Professional Liability & Package Insurance for Human Service Agencies

Professional medical liability coverage for new and established behavioral/mental health centers and addiction treatment facilities.

Outpatient Facilities

Chubb provides customized risk management solutions and medical liability insurance products and services designed to manage these broad spectrum of exposures.

Insights and expertise

We keep you informed – and your business protected – with these helpful articles.
abstract globe with lights
Risk Management
Managing special global risks in today’s turbulent times
Identify unexpected risks facing multinational companies — and learn how to strengthen your global insurance program.
businesswomen looking at map
Risk Management
Questions to ask when building a multinational insurance program
When venturing into new global markets, your business will encounter new risks. Find out how to build an insurance program that provides the coverage you need.
ergonomic keyboard
Ergonomic and safety guide for employees working from home
Helping employees set up an ergonomic home office and encouraging healthy work habits can help prevent injuries and accidents.
nurse assisting elderly woman with cane
Risk Management
Preparing your long-term care facility for emergencies
A comprehensive, up-to-date plan can help mitigate the impact of disasters and infectious diseases.
medical cannabis
What your business should know about medical marijuana
The growing use of medical marijuana raises special challenges for businesses. Learn 4 steps your business can take to manage this issue.
Two workers in bucket truck doing construction work on power lines.
Help employees stay safe and healthy in cold weather
Our cold weather safety tips for employees can prevent cold stress injuries and illnesses.
stacked plastic bottles
Risk Management
4 sources of plastic fires in medical product manufacturing
Flammable plastics are a significant risk for manufacturers of medical products. Identifying key risks and taking preventive action can help limit losses.
medical production
Risk Management
Business continuity planning for Life Sciences
Organizations in the life science arena are uniquely susceptible to loss due to sensitive business and physical infrastructure. Invest time in your business continuity plan now to preserve your organization and maintain regulatory commitments when disaster strikes.

Seeking a business insurance quote?

We can help with that.