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Protection for Community Association Leaders

  • Tailored coverage for community association boards and their property managers
  • Based on more than 35 years of industry experience

Customized Insurance for Community Associations

Types of Claims

Community association boards and property managers can be sued over a staggering variety of sophisticated liability issues, including allegations related to:

  • Housing discrimination
  • Employment discrimination
  • Architectural disputes
  • Inadequate reserves
  • Negligence
  • Third-party breach of contract
  • Breach of or change in covenants, conditions & restrictions
  • Assessments
  • Liens
  • Defamation
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Declaratory or injunctive relief actions

Unfortunately, community associations can also be vulnerable to criminal losses such as embezzlement, check forgery, equipment theft and so on.  The truth is that 80% of U.S. workplace crime is carried out by employees, and crimes from “trusted insiders” can go undetected for year. 

Coverage Highlights

  • Flexible policy offers Directors & Officers Liability, Employment Practices Liability and Crime
  • Broad definition of insured persons includes past and present directors, officers, trustees, employees, committee members, as well as property managers and their employees
  • “Second generation” claims arising from property damage (other than those related to a construction defect or specified perils) are covered
  • Coverage for property manager wrongful acts, including acts, errors, and misstatements made while providing real estate property management services at the direction of the association board
  • Duty-to-defend coverage means that Chubb will appoint experienced counsel to defend the insured should it be sued