
Preventing and responding to workplace violence

female business consultant in office

Chubb HealthBeat

Chubb’s Claims department includes a team of dedicated registered nurse professionals with extensive experience helping businesses address health and safety issues. Our nursing team also supports employees as they recover from injury and illness—and return to work. In the spirit of promoting safe and healthy workplaces, our medical specialists developed this edition of Chubb HealthBeat to help your business and employees prevent and respond to workplace violence.

The scope of workplace violence

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), every year approximately 2 million employees are victims of workplace violence. Violence is one of the leading causes of workplace fatalities in the United States. In 2020, there were 651 fatal injuries caused by workplace violence in the U.S.


Workplace violence is not limited to physical injury. Threats of violence, harassment, intimidation, verbal abuse, and other harmful disruptive behavior also impact employees and operations. Beyond employees, workplace violence can impact — and may be instigated by — customers, contractors, and visitors. Even violence your employees experience outside the workplace can have repercussions for your organization.


While some sectors such as social services, healthcare, and transportation have higher incidences of workplace violence, every organization is at risk. Violence, threats, and bullying can severely impair an organization, eroding reputation, productivity, employee morale and retention – and ultimately your bottom line.

Key steps to prevent workplace violence

Depending on the size of your organization, consider working with a crisis management consultant who specializes in workplace violence. Important considerations as you select this resource include 24/7 availability; a proven record of agile response; and their willingness and ability to provide you with solid references. You can minimize risk by taking the following steps to prevent workplace violence and limit its impact if it does occur.


  1. Understand the causes of workplace violence
    You can better prevent workplace violence by understanding and addressing its leading causes. Workplace violence is often linked to mental health conditions, stress, and substance abuse. Your organization can help prevent workplace violence by providing resources that help employees address these challenges.
  2. Assess your worksites
    Every location is different, so it’s important to evaluate all your organization’s facilities and offices and identify vulnerabilities and risks. Include controls of physical space in your assessment — e.g., building access, onsite security, and surveillance cameras. Assessments should also focus on identifying employees who engage in behaviors that could be warning signs of potential violence, such as telling violent or hateful jokes, making threatening statements, being verbally abusive and other inappropriate behavior.
  3. Establish policies to prevent violence
    A strong set of hiring and operational policies can help prevent workplace violence. Consider establishing pre-employment screening that flags job seekers who exhibit warning signs or have a history of violence or inappropriate behavior. At the operational level, establish a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior and an easily accessed system for employees to notify managers and other personnel about threats.
  4. Train employees at all levels
    Educate and empower your employees to help make your organization safe and healthy. Train employees about your workplace violence policies, how to respond to threats and emergencies, and what resources are available to address workplace conflicts, stress, and mental health challenges. Provide leadership training to ensure managers and supervisors set clear standards of conduct, address employee problems promptly, and use performance counseling, alternative dispute resolution, and other management tools effectively.
  5. Support the health and well-being of your employees
    Creating a healthy, supportive workplace and respecting your employees’ work-life balance can help reduce the risk of workplace violence. Consider developing an employee assistance program (EAP) if your organization doesn’t have one and encourage your employees to use this resource.

Responding to a violent incident at work

Preparing your organization for workplace violence can help limit the impact of an incident and accelerate recovery. Training should not only educate employees at all levels about their roles in preventing workplace violence, but also how to respond.


Generally, employees should not confront individuals who pose a threat, but all employees should know what to do when a threat emerges and who to contact when violence erupts. Depending on the situation and the resources of your organization, local law enforcement and internal security should be alerted so they can defuse the situation and stop violence in progress.

Recovering from workplace violence

Your organization will be better able to recover from an incident of workplace violence when you provide timely, compassionate support for employees who are victims or have witnessed violence. This support could include medical care, counseling services, financial assistance, and extra time off. A strong response can help your organization get back on its feet, restore morale, and protect your reputation.


Work with crisis management specialists
Recovering from an incident of workplace violence is a challenge for any business and can be especially difficult for small to medium-size businesses with fewer in-house resources. Organizations can benefit by drawing on the expertise of crisis management consultants who have deep experience preventing and responding to workplace violence. Your insurer may be able to provide guidance and connect you with a proven crisis management organization.

Workplace violence resources

OSHA – Workplace Violence Portal

OSHA – OSHA Fact Sheet: Workplace Violence

CDC|NIOSH – Occupational Violence

Chubb – Preventing Workplace Violence: Take and Use Guide


Reach out to your broker or agent to learn what resources are available from your insurance company for preventing workplace violence. In addition, learn how the Chubb Workers Compensation Claims Services team supports the health and well-being of employees.

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