alfred l

"The first insurance company I chose was Chubb. There’s no comparison."

Alfred L. | Seattle, WA

Chubb follows up quickly, no questions asked.

Long-time client Alfred has always believed in the value of having Chubb insurance. And throughout his 20 years with Chubb, the support and kindness he received during a few claims defined his Chubb experience.


For example, when Alfred’s wife fell ill while overseas and required medical attention, Alfred’s Chubb agent, Peter Beeson of Fit Insurance Inc., helped fill out their paperwork and moved quickly to file their medical expenses claim for full reimbursement, no questions asked. When Alfred’s son had a car accident, Alfred received 100% of his car’s value – meaning no depreciation – after filing a claim for a total loss. And an accident on Father's Day weekend resulted in a quick response from Chubb and Peter’s agent, who arranged for a car tow and provided a rental car drop-off at his home within hours. What could have been a frustrating incident turned into a painless hiccup.


To Alfred, Chubb always honored their promise and helped him resolve any problem. And his agent Peter was always a friend, and not just an agent. That’s why after 20 years, Alfred still believes that Chubb is the best choice for him.

Claim Details
Seattle, WA
Claim Incident
September 2016
Client Since
Insurance Agency

Fit Insurance Inc
500 108th Avenue
NE Suite 2000
Bellevue, WA 98004

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