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Insurance Products

We recognize that not all coverages fit the needs of every business. That is why we crafted customizable suite of SME insurance to fit your company’s specific needs.

a group of people standing on the floor

Wide Industry Appetite

Chubb can cover a wide range of industries. With minimal additional information, along with our simplified process for targeted industries, we can build a purpose-built package policy for Indonesia’s SMEs.

a close up of an object Education
a drawing of a face Food & Beverages (F&B)
a drawing of a face Health, Beauty and Spa
a drawing of a face Hotels and Hospitality
a drawing of a person Medical / Dental Centres, including small hospitals and medical consultants
a close up of a logo Office and Services
a drawing of a face Retailers

Why Chubb?

At Chubb, we go beyond the selected industries to protect your business. Our package policy specially designed for SMEs offers a multi-section, simple proposal form which enables you to select your cover easily and efficiently.

With both a standard and customisable policy wording, streamlined processes and a dedicated team, you can expect unrivaled service.

We set your mind at ease by providing you with adequate Theft and Flood limit which insures them against any expense that they might incur, even if they don’t insure the building (E.g. If your lease states that they are responsible for damage caused to the building).

Interested in this Chubb policy?

Have a question or need more information? Contact us to find out how we can help you get covered against potential risks