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Corporate News

Keep up to date with the latest global news releases from Chubb.

a woman sitting on a table

Indonesia General Insurance News

News and information for Chubb general insurance in Indonesia.

a close up of a hand

Indonesia Life Insurance News

News and information for Chubb Life insurance in Indonesia.

a group of people sitting at a table

Our Brand

At Chubb, insurance is about one thing: craftsmanship. It’s who we are. It’s what we do. It’s how we serve our clients.

a close up of a toy

Media Resources

Access Chubb information and materials, including videos, visuals, and the Chubb brand assets.

Got a questions or need more information?

Get in touch with our Media Relations team

Dinar Puja Ginanjar
Head of Communications

Chubb - Indonesia
+62 21 2949 8621