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Coverage Highlights

What it covers

  • A single premium term life plan that provides financial protection against death
  • Flexibility to choose up to 5 years of protection, not exceeding age 65
  • Sum assured from a minimum of IDR 20,000,000, up to IDR 20,000,000,000
  • The minimum and maximum entry age to this policy is age 20 and 64
  • A lump sum premium is to be paid up front


  • Death Benefit

In the event of an insured’s death, a lump sum repayment will be made to the bank in line with the time schedule below:


Cause of Death 

Death Benefit  

During the Waiting Period* 


Amount equivalent to premium paid 

After the Waiting Period* 


Amount lower than sum assured^ 


During the coverage period  


Amount lower than sum assured^ 


*The waiting period represents 90 days from the onset of the policy
^ The amount adjusted is calculated based on the reducing sum table provided by Chubb

  • Repayment Benefit

An insured is entitled to a lump sum benefit in the event a repayment is made. This repayment benefit amount is calculated based on the terms stated by Chubb.

The material presented is a product summary. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of this policy for further information.

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