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You want to protect yourself and invest at the same time. Why not do both? With Asuransi Invest Link, your premium provides you with life insurance coverage and allows you to choose your own investment plan.

Coverage Highlights

Invest. Insure. Ingenious.

Invest Link Insurance offers you a great combination of flexibility in choosing your own investment plan and long-term life insurance coverage with one-time premium payment up front (single premium) at the beginning of the policy term.

In addition, you can also access the cash value for emergency purposes through fund withdrawal and increase the amount of investment through non scheduled top up premium payment.

With affordable minimum premium, Chubb Invest Link provides you the best of both life cover and investment without the burden of regular premium payment.


  • Invest Link Insurance (PAYDI) is an insurance product. The investment component of PAYDI contains risks. Prospective Policyholders, Insured, or Participants are compulsory to read and understand the product information summary prior to give decision in purchasing PAYDI. Past investment performance of PAYDI is not reflected PAYDI's future investment performance 


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