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A term life insurance with a guaranteed refund of premium if there is no claim.

Coverage Highlights


  • Premium payment period is only 5 years
  • 100% guarantee of refund  if no claims  have been made.

Death Benefit


Cause of Death

Insurance Benefits

Within Waiting Period*



After Waiting period* 
(in the first year)


50% of the Sum Insured and 1% of the Sum Insured for every remainder of the month of coverage period paid in a lump sum

From the second year 


100% of the Sum Insured and 2% of the Sum Insured for every remainder of the month of coverage period paid in a lump sum

Within coverage period


100% of the Sum Insured and 2% of the Sum Insured for every remainder of the month of coverage period paid in a lump sum


Information presented is not intended to be binding. Please always refer to terms and conditions in the policy. 

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