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Distribution agreement clause amendment notice

We’re making an amendment to clause 13.7 in your distribution agreement, replacing with the updated clause below, to take effect on 26 June 2023.

13.7 Amendments

(a) Subject to (b) below, Chubb Life may vary the terms of this Distribution Agreement, including any schedule attached to, or referred to, in this Agreement, by providing 20 (twenty) Business Days’ written notice to you.

(b) Chubb Life may vary the terms of the Remuneration Schedule by providing 10 (ten) Business Days’ written notice to you.

(c) No variation made under this Clause 13.7 will affect your rights to receive Remuneration for Products issued prior to the effective date of the variation, except to the extent otherwise provided in this Agreement and/or Remuneration Schedule.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with your Business Partnership Manager.