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Announcing the 2024 Chubb Life Support Person of the Year

June 2024

We’re delighted to announce the winners of the Chubb Life Support Person of the Year for 2024. See who’s taken out our top awards and how they’ve gone above and beyond to ensure the smooth running of the businesses they support and most importantly, that customers get the financial advice and protection they need.


Amie Eves – first place

Amie Eves nominated by a number of the InsuranceBASE team including Principal Jason Hennessey.

“Amie is a wizard when it comes to handling insurance claims with empathy, processing new business and keeping our team in check. Her attention to detail and knack for navigating the complexities of insurance have saved us countless headaches and helped numerous customers get the support they need. Amie's our go-to person for pretty much everything. Tech issues? Amie's on it. Need help coordinating with other suppliers? Amie's got your back. She's our office superhero, swooping in to save the day whenever we need her. There's nothing she doesn't know. She's like Google, but better because she's right here with us, sharing her wisdom and helping us all grow. Simply put, our office wouldn't be the same without Amie. She's the glue that holds us together and the spark that keeps us going.”

Amie wins a $1000 Prezzy Card.


Dana Hoffmann – second place

Dana Hoffmann from SOS (Sort out Stuff practice management) contracting to Live Life Insurance was nominated by Olivia Clements.

“Dana consistently provides top-notch customer service, going above and beyond to assist our customers and our team members. She has genuine empathy for our customers at claim time, especially when dealing with sensitive matters like bereavement, which has a profound impact on the customer experience. No-one follows up like Dana does – she gets the job done and the requirements through, ensuring our customers are protected as quickly as possible.

Dana is able to quickly identify issues and approaches each situation with a solution-oriented mindset. When I had my son, Dana stepped up another level and her incredible support allowed me to spend precious time with him without having to rush back to full time hours immediately. We’re lucky to have Dana as part of our team.”

Dana wins a $500 Prezzy Card.


Kate Harriot – third place

Kate Harriot from Optimalife was nominated by David Pottinger

“Kate is my brilliant back-office wizard, providing claims support to my customers and so much more. Kate makes sure I’m meeting my compliance requirements, helps structure my social media and presentations, and ensures consistency with forms and templates - making me look professional! Kate is a busy mum, working just 12 hours a week for me but is somehow able to balance the kids, sickness and any other struggles to come into the office each day bright and cheerful, which is infectious for me and the rest of the shared office space here in Christchurch. I would love to see Kate get some recognition for all the hard work she does for me and all my lucky customers.”

Kate wins a $300 Prezzy Card.


Congratulations to our winners and a massive thank you to everyone who participated this year. All nominees have been listed below in recognition of their efforts. We’d also like to thank everyone who nominated their Chubb Life support people, we’ve passed on your acknowledgement to them.

Let’s continue to celebrate everyone who contributes to providing New Zealanders access to the financial advice and protection they need.

Atika Dogra – AIFP Personal Risk Limited

Christine Gilliver – Resure Insurance Advisors

Claudine Krushka – Taimana Wealth

Corinne Mudge – Summit Financial Group

Elise King – Thorner Financial Services

Emma Dudley – HLS Insurance Ltd

Gill Sharman – Life Plan Ltd

Hayley Denyer – Steve Sale Insurance

Julia Roche – Provincial Insurance Brokers

Karin Botha – Maxicare Financial Services Limited

Katie Ireland – Financial Independence

Leana Walker – Total Life (Financial Services South Ltd)

Liesa Cox – Thrive

Linda Burnett – AON NZ

Louise Sewell – Financial Independence

Lucy Stirling – The Money Men

May Boquiron– The Advice Hub

Navzad Cooverji – CFAN

Pavithra Jambila – Preferential Ltd

Rachel Webby – Advice First

Robyn Fuller – Mortgage Room

Sara Pickernell – NZ Britannia

Sarah Allchurch – Clemence Limited

Sian Johnson – Maurice Trapp Group

Summer Rose – Lewis Insurance Brokers

Susan Anderson – Backbone NZ 2018 Ltd

Tania Drummond - Advice 4 Life

Tracey Aislabie – Carey Financial Services

Vanya Southan – SHARE

Veronica Luis – Abacus Group