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24-Hour Emergency Referral Service via Chubb Assistance
Chubb Assistance provides the following services, subject to the terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations of your individual policy. For more information on what your policy covers, please refer to your policy wording, or ask the broker, employer or other group arranger who has obtained the insurance coverage for your benefit.

Medical Assistance - Overseas Only

Services under this category are as follows:

  • Emergency Medical Consultation and Support
    Medical practitioners specialising in emergency medicine are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide you with medical support when the need arises.
  • 24-Hour Medical Referral
    Assistance with referral to a hospital or medical facility, dentist, physician or pharmacy.
  • Medical Monitoring
    If you’re hospitalised a doctor will maintain contact with you and the attending physician.
  • Medical Repatriation/Evacuation Service
    If an evacuation is necessary, we’ll make all the arrangements to repatriate you as soon as you’re medically able to be moved, either on a commercial or private aircraft with the appropriate medical escort.
  • Return of Mortal Remains
    In the event of your death, we’ll coordinate the repatriation of your remains.
  • Guarantee of Hospital/Medical Expenses
    If you become hospitalised, we’ll forward a letter of guarantee to the hospital covering all reasonable charges in relation to the hospitalisation.
  • Liaison with Your Family Physician
    Chubb Assistance will act as a liaison point with your family physician, relatives and/or friends if your medical emergency warrants it.

Non-Medical Assistance

  • Lost Document and Ticket Replacement Assistance
    If your travel ticket, passport or visa is lost or stolen while travelling, we’ll assist in locating or replacing and forwarding the document(s) to you.
  • Consular Referral/Liaison
    If requested, we’ll contact the local police, diplomatic contacts and/or airline personnel to assist you in finding your lost item(s)